What is unstorage?
The 'unstorage' npm package is a versatile storage utility that provides a unified API for interacting with various storage backends. It allows developers to easily switch between different storage mechanisms such as local storage, session storage, and even remote storage solutions without changing the core logic of their applications.
What are unstorage's main functionalities?
Local Storage
This feature allows you to interact with local storage using a simple API. You can set, get, and remove items from local storage.
const { createStorage } = require('unstorage');
const localStorage = createStorage();
// Set a value
await localStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
// Get a value
const value = await localStorage.getItem('key');
console.log(value); // Outputs: 'value'
// Remove a value
await localStorage.removeItem('key');
Session Storage
This feature allows you to interact with session storage using the same API as local storage. You can set, get, and remove items from session storage.
const { createStorage } = require('unstorage');
const sessionStorage = createStorage({ driver: 'session' });
// Set a value
await sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
// Get a value
const value = await sessionStorage.getItem('key');
console.log(value); // Outputs: 'value'
// Remove a value
await sessionStorage.removeItem('key');
Remote Storage
This feature allows you to interact with remote storage solutions via HTTP. You can set, get, and remove items from a remote storage backend.
const { createStorage } = require('unstorage');
const remoteStorage = createStorage({ driver: 'http', baseURL: 'https://api.example.com/storage' });
// Set a value
await remoteStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
// Get a value
const value = await remoteStorage.getItem('key');
console.log(value); // Outputs: 'value'
// Remove a value
await remoteStorage.removeItem('key');
Other packages similar to unstorage
LocalForage is a fast and simple storage library for JavaScript. It improves the offline experience of your web app by using asynchronous storage (IndexedDB or WebSQL) with a simple, localStorage-like API. Compared to unstorage, LocalForage is more focused on client-side storage and does not provide a unified API for different storage backends.
idb-keyval is a small library that provides a simple key-value store backed by IndexedDB. It is very lightweight and easy to use, making it a good choice for simple storage needs. However, it lacks the flexibility and unified API of unstorage, which supports multiple storage backends.
store2 is a versatile storage library for all JavaScript environments, including Node.js and browsers. It provides a unified API for localStorage, sessionStorage, and memory storage. While it offers similar functionality to unstorage, it does not support remote storage solutions.

🌍 💾 Universal Storage Layer
Why ❓
Typically, we choose one or more data storages based on our use-cases like a filesystem, a database like Redis, Mongo, or LocalStorage for browsers but it will soon start to be lots of trouble for supporting and combining more than one or switching between them. For javascript library authors, this usually means they have to decide how many platforms they support and implement storage for each.
💡 Unstorage solution is a unified and powerful Key-Value (KV) interface that allows combining drivers that are either built-in or can be implemented via a super simple interface and adding conventional features like mounting, watching, and working with metadata.
Comparing to similar solutions like localforage, unstorage core is almost 6x smaller (28.9 kB vs 4.7 kB), using modern ESM/Typescript/Async syntax and many more features to be used universally.
✔️ Works in all environments (Browser, NodeJS, and Workers)
✔️ Multiple built-in drivers (Memory, FS, LocalStorage, HTTP, Redis)
✔️ Asynchronous API
✔️ Unix-style driver mounting to combine storages
✔️ Default in-memory storage
✔️ Tree-shakable utils and tiny core
✔️ Driver native and user provided metadata
✔️ Native aware value serialization and deserialization
✔️ Restore initial state (hydration)
✔️ State snapshot
✔️ Driver agnostic watcher
✔️ HTTP Storage server (cli and programmatic)
✔️ Namespaced storage
🚧 Overlay storage (copy-on-write)
🚧 Virtual `fs` interface
🚧 Cached storage
🚧 More drivers: MongoDB, S3 and IndexedDB
📚 Table of Contents
Install unstorage
npm package:
yarn add unstorage
npm i unstorage
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
const storage = createStorage()
await storage.getItem('foo:bar')
: Default driver (using memory if not provided)
Storage Interface
Checks if storage contains a key. Resolves to either true
or false
await storage.hasItem('foo:bar')
Gets the value of a key in storage. Resolves to either string
or null
await storage.getItem('foo:bar')
storage.setItem(key, value)
Add/Update a value to the storage.
If the value is not a string, it will be stringified.
If value is undefined
, it is same as calling removeItem(key)
await storage.setItem('foo:bar', 'baz')
storage.removeItem(key, removeMeta = true)
Remove a value (and it's meta) from storage.
await storage.removeItem('foo:bar')
storage.getMeta(key, nativeOnly?)
Get metadata object for a specific key.
This data is fetched from two sources:
- Driver native meta (like file creation time)
- Custom meta set by
(overrides driver native meta)
await storage.getMeta('foo:bar')
Set custom meta for a specific key by adding a $
await storage.setMeta('foo:bar', { flag: 1 })
Remove meta for a specific key by adding a $
await storage.removeMeta('foo:bar',)
Get all keys. Returns an array of strings.
Meta keys (ending with $
) will be filtered.
If a base is provided, only keys starting with the base will be returned also only mounts starting with base will be queried. Keys still have a full path.
await storage.getKeys()
Removes all stored key/values. If a base is provided, only mounts matching base will be cleared.
await storage.clear()
Disposes all mounted storages to ensure there are no open-handles left. Call it before exiting process.
Note: Dispose also clears in-memory data.
await storage.dispose()
storage.mount(mountpoint, driver)
By default, everything is stored in memory. We can mount additional storage space in a Unix-like fashion.
When operating with a key
that starts with mountpoint, instead of default storage, mounted driver will be called.
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import fsDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/fs'
const storage = createStorage({})
storage.mount('/output', fsDriver({ base: './output' }))
await storage.setItem('/output/test', 'works')
await storage.setItem('/foo', 'bar')
storage.unmount(mountpoint, dispose = true)
Unregisters a mountpoint. Has no effect if mountpoint is not found or is root.
await storage.unmount('/output')
Starts watching on all mountpoints. If driver does not supports watching, only emits even when storage.*
methods are called.
await storage.watch((event, key) => { })
snapshot(storage, base?)
Snapshot from all keys in specified base into a plain javascript object (string: string). Base is removed from keys.
import { snapshot } from 'unstorage'
const data = await snapshot(storage, '/etc')
restoreSnapshot(storage, data, base?)
Restore snapshot created by snapshot()
await restoreSnapshot(storage, { 'foo:bar': 'baz' }, '/etc2')
prefixStorage(storage, data, base?)
Create a namespaced instance of main storage.
All operations are virtually prefixed. Useful to create shorcuts and limit access.
import { createStorage, prefixStorage } from 'unstorage'
const storage = createStorage()
const assetsStorage = prefixStorage(storage, 'assets')
await assetsStorage.setItem('x', 'hello!')
Storage Server
We can easily expose unstorage instance to an http server to allow remote connections.
Request url is mapped to key and method/body mapped to function. See below for supported http methods.
🛡️ Security Note: Server is unprotected by default. You need to add your own authentication/security middleware like basic authentication.
Also consider that even with authentication, unstorage should not be exposed to untrusted users since it has no protection for abuse (DDOS, Filesystem escalation, etc)
Programmatic usage:
import { listen } from 'listhen'
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import { createStorageServer } from 'unstorage/server'
const storage = createStorage()
const storageServer = createStorageServer(storage)
await listen(storage.handle)
Using CLI:
npx unstorage .
Supported HTTP Methods:
: Maps to storage.getItem
. Returns list of keys on path if value not found.
: Maps to storage.hasItem
. Returns 404 if not found.
: Maps to storage.setItem
. Value is read from body and returns OK
if operation succeeded.
: Maps to storage.removeIterm
. Returns OK
if operation succeeded.
Maps data to the real filesystem using directory structure for nested keys. Supports watching using chokidar.
This driver implements meta for each key including mtime
(last modified time), atime
(last access time), and size
(file size) using fs.stat
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import fsDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/fs'
const storage = createStorage({
driver: fsDriver({ base: './tmp' })
: Base directory to isolate operations on this directory
: Ignore patterns for watch
: Additional chokidar options.
Store data in localStorage.
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import localStorageDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/localstorage'
const storage = createStorage({
driver: localStorageDriver({ base: 'app:' })
: Add ${base}:
to all keys to avoid collision
: Optionally provide localStorage
: Optionally provide window
Keeps data in memory using Set.
By default it is mounted to top level so it is unlikely you need to mount it again.
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import memoryDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/memory'
const storage = createStorage({
driver: memoryDriver()
This is a special driver that creates a multi-layer overlay driver.
All write operations happen on the top level layer while values are read from all layers.
When removing a key, a special value __OVERLAY_REMOVED__
will be set on the top level layer internally.
In the example below, we create an in-memory overlay on top of fs. No changes will be actually written to the disk.
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import overlay from 'unstorage/drivers/memory'
import memory from 'unstorage/drivers/memory'
import fs from 'unstorage/drivers/fs'
const storage = createStorage({
driver: overlay({
layers: [
fs({ base: './data' })
Use a remote HTTP/HTTPS endpoint as data storage. Supports built-in http server methods.
This driver implements meta for each key including mtime
(last modified time) and status
from HTTP headers by making a HEAD
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import httpDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/http'
const storage = createStorage({
driver: httpDriver({ base: 'http://cdn.com' })
Supported HTTP Methods:
: Maps to http GET
. Returns deserialized value if response is ok
: Maps to http HEAD
. Returns true
if response is ok (200)
: Maps to http PUT
. Sends serialized value using body
: Maps to DELETE
: Not supported
Store data in a redis storage using ioredis.
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import redisDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/redis'
const storage = createStorage({
driver: redisDriver({
base: 'storage:'
: Prefix all keys with base
: (optional) connection string
See ioredis for all available options.
option is enabled by default so that connection happens on first redis operation.
Store data in Cloudflare KV.
You need to create and assign a KV. See KV Bindings for more information.
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'
import cloudflareKVDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-kv'
const storage = createStorage({
driver: cloudflareKVDriver({ binding: 'STORAGE' })
const storage = createStorage({
driver: cloudflareKVDriver({ binding: globalThis.STORAGE })
const storage = createStorage({
driver: cloudflareKVDriver({ binding: this.env.STORAGE })
: KV binding or name of namespace. Default is STORAGE
Making custom drivers
It is possible to extend unstorage by creating custom drives.
- Keys are always normalized in
- Mount base is removed
- Returning promise or direct value is optional
- You should cleanup any open watcher and handlers in
- Value returned by
can be a serializable object or string
- Having
method, disables default handler for mountpoint. You are responsible to emit event on getItem
, setItem
and removeItem
See src/drivers to inspire how to implement them. Methods can
import { createStorage, defineDriver } from 'unstorage'
const myStorageDriver = defineDriver((_opts) => {
return {
async hasItem (key) {},
async getItem (key) {},
async setItem(key, value) {},
async removeItem (key) {},
async getKeys() {},
async clear() {},
async dispose() {},
const storage = createStorage({
driver: myStorageDriver()
- Clone repository
- Install dependencies with
yarn install
- Use
yarn dev
to start jest watcher verifying changes
- Use
yarn test
before pushing to ensure all tests and lint checks passing